Monsters Masters & Mobsters is a speculative fiction concept that incorporates elements of magical realism, professional sports and organized (and disorganized) crime. The world of Monsters Masters & Mobsters is our world, but instead of humans there are two types of higher beings: monsters and anthropes. Monsters Masters & Mobsters represents the belief in the power of imagination and the importance of storytelling. We value creativity, originality, and the ability of fantasy and speculative fiction to inspire, entertain, and bring people together.
This sounds like Pokémon. How is it different?
Pokémon is Monsters Masters & Mobsters for children.
The concept is simple: Trainable monsters and a culture of training and battling them. Pokémon takes that concept, constrains it in age appropriateness, and applies a simple formula: Anyone can be a Pokémon trainer, and anyone can become the Best Pokémon Master Ever. Monsters Masters & Mobsters is about the concept, not a kid-friendly scoping of the concept.
Also, whereas Pokémon and many of the concepts inspired by it come from Japan and are shaped largely by Japanese culture, Monsters Masters & Mobsters is a uniquely American product. Our primary sources of inspiration come from the United States and its many peoples, lands and history.
Who is behind Monsters Masters & Mobsters?
Meet our creator and team here.
What is the mission of Monsters Masters & Mobsters?
We envision Monsters Masters & Mobsters as a leading brand in the fantasy and speculative fiction genre, known for our originality and creativity. We strive to transport our audience into a realm of imagination and wonder, creating a community of enthusiasts who can connect and share their love for this genre.
As of October 2024, there are no products for Monsters Masters & Mobsters available for sale. The vision for products includes books, artwork, games and other forms of merchandise.
Tell me about the world of Monsters Masters & Mobsters.
Check out our Lore blog. Start here.
Where can I meet you in person?
Our Events page lists the conventions and events that we plan to attend. Or contact us to schedule a personal meeting.
Why does this website look like a work in progress?
Because it's a work in progress. Like the world of Monsters Masters & Mobsters, this website is constantly evolving. We appreciate your patience as we continue to develop and improve. In the meantime, please throw us some love (we also take money) on Patreon , X , Instagram or Facebook .